Tuesday, October 31, 2006

At Last An Update

Sorry for the delay between updates. I was working on another project for another class that kept me tied up. But just today, I was able to do a little work on this thesis.

I came up with a better visual design for the grid. It's now much easier to work with and less overwhelming. I also made it so when the walls get drawn, a more typical drafting style wall is drawn instead of just a straight line. This system isn't perfect though, in that the walls don't line up perfectly, but I'm trying to figure out a way to combat this. That should be pretty challenging.

You can also now delete and move individual walls instead of entire wall group. Eventually, I'm going to incorporate a selection system that attaches a movie when you've selected something to know that you selected it, and if you click of it, it gets deselected. From there you can delete, resize, move, etc. This is much more intuitive and more like PS or Illustrator.

I've also still got to rework the coding so it uses dynamic classes instead of all these crazy functions I've defined. But it's such a big program, that it's gonna be a pain, and I've never classed a system like this before. I don't look forward to it.

I'll edit this post later with links. SCAD's server is being a jerk at the moment.

LINK <--- this is design document version 1.5

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