Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Well, I passed my graduate review! And with a unanimous decision/flying colors! It's a huge weight off my chest but at the same time bludgeons me into realizing that turning in my completed thesis is the next step. And that's a big step.

So my next little job is to create the shell of the prototype and to get a start on the paper. I need to readjust my outline as well to take into account my new ideas and changes. I also need to decide on a target audience and ultimately, if this should be a commercial venture or a casual gaming experience. I'm leaning towards commercial. Gotta make that angry money to pay these lovely bills.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Grad Review Countdown

It is now 10 days until my graduate review. This is the big moment in the life of my thesis. After 6 months of an abandoned idea an 3 more of a much better one I'm ready to get it fully approved. I'm still piecing together a suitable presentation for the review as well as my midterm. I also need to finish my thesis outline by Wednesday and my Flash Prototype Mock Up by the review date.

But in the few hours after the review, I will either be accidentally crashing through a window drunk and to my death or purposefully crashing through a window drunk and to my death. The former in celebration, the later alleviation. So I guess that means I'll do what I do. No one better jinx me.